The Nature of Communication in Organization

The nature of communication in organizations is one of the most important and probably one of the most over looked things in businesses today. Verbal or nonverbal communication can truly create or help solve problems in a business around the world. The truth is that certain people are amazing communicators and, well they just lack at being able to talk or even show what they actually want to mean by there facial expression. The main thing is that people need to know that communication is a tool, and people can learn to become a good communicator and learn exactly what to do and how to do it. Communicating is an ability that can be learned and improved over time, but you have to work at it and study the things that need to be done. In a business if a boss tries and explains to you what he wants done, but fails to thoroughly tell the details of how he wants the job done. This provides a problem to me because he is leaving his employee in a situation that can inevitably cause him/her to lose their job. Every employee wants a boss that can communicate everything down to the last detail for a job, and then let you work on your own, this is my opinion. Also on great communication you want more quality communication than quantity, but this is only because if a person just tries to brain dump a load of information on someone at one time the truth is that only about half of what is said would be soaked up by the brain.. maybe.. If this does happen though try a couple methods to handling the overload of information. First the Filtering method, which is when priortities get piled up some of the problems will solve themselves, but in this method deadlines are not crucial. Secondly the priority method, basically which ever priority is thought to be most important is the one that will get down first. Also this can lead to stopping in the middle of one assignment to finish something that has just came in from a boss that they want that day. Finally the best one to use is the plan ahead method. The method will be able to be done after you figure out the routine of your business that way you can know when the busy times are and be prepared for them ahead of time. Now what are everyone else experiences on this part of communication at your business or something that has been noticed at a business that you’ve walked into.

Richmond, McCroskey, Powell, Organizational Communication for Survival. Pearson Education. 2013 

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