
Components of Communication

The Source:

This will be the person or group that originates the message. This can be one person, 2 people, a group, or an entire organization.

The Message:

This will involve verbal and nonverbal communication has the message is being presented to the receiver. Most will use a combination of verbal and nonverbal when presenting.

The Channel:

This will be how the message is transferred for one person to another. The receivers senses will be involved (sight, sound, touch, smell, and taste). Channels will also be considered television, radio, the internet, film, billboards, telephones, cell phones, instant messenger, etc… These are considered medicated systems.

The Receiver:

This will be the person, people, group, or organization that acquires the message. From this point the receiver will need to do three things. Receive the source’s message, decode the message in a way that will make sense, and respond to the message.

The Feedback:

This is the response for the receiver, and this can either be verbal or nonverbal responses.

The Goals:

The three main goals of every organization usually are develop interpersonal relationships within the organization, get compliance, and understanding.

The Context:

This is the way in which communication takes place.  The context will surround every single component of communication, and will be the characteristics of the situation.

Richmond, McCroskey, Powell, Organization Communication for Survival. Person Education. 2013


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