Conflict Management

Conflict in an organization can come in many types of ways, and can have different affects on how the employees work.  Inside the KA house we have different levels of leadership and responsible.  The higher you are in the KA house the higher status you’ll have and along with that comes with who will have to last vote and say so on subjects.  When we have votes on the new house leaders all those that are nominated leave the room, and the voting begins after everyone has there chance to say what they think the positives and negatives are of the nominees.  Over one of the spots in the house we had 4 or 5 brothers get into a very heated argument which turned into personal pokes that was leading no where.  The guys were close with some of the nominees so they want to persuade others, but were getting very irritated when someone would talk bad about nominees they wanted.  We had a brother that has been her for a long time and had seniority in the house he believed and wanted it to stay that way with his nominee.  The other brothers in the house wanted to vote for someone that is younger so that they can get to experience to run the house later.  This argument went back in forth and many personal comments were thrown out until the now president step in and came up with a resolution that everyone agreed with.  Interpersonal conflict was in full affect between my brothers, disrespect started going around the room like a virus.  Negotiation and compromise from a third party (president) was used in this situation to solve the conflict and prevent it from getting any worse.  Now an organization can use this situation in many different ways in every day work.  Third parties can intervene and help solve the situation no matter who the person is, but at the same time status might have an affect whether the people in the conflict will work or not.


Richmond, Virginia P., James C. Mccroskey, and Larry Powell. Organization Communication for Survival. 5th. New Jersey: Pearson Education, 2013. Print.

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